Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flaming Gorge

My Uncle was kind enough to share some of these pictures with me.  (Maybe he shouldn't have because now I am mad that I was not there).  Hopefully my time of living vicariously through other people's pictures won't last much longer, but these sure are an eye full.
My father in law was able to go for a day.  Hopefully he feels good about not telling me he went on this trip.    I was told not to reveal the location of this place.  But to give you a clue.  It is a creek running into Flaming Gorge.  Spring run off is just starting, and these are all spawning fish.  
You can see how dark and murky the water is, so no sight fishing.  But look at the dark and bright
 colors of these fish.  Pretty awesome for lake spawn's.  The fly of the trip was jig-a-glows.

This appears to be one of the biggest.  Around 23''.  A very nice catch in that size of creek.

My Cousin Carlton broke in his new birthday rode here.  I great way to break in a fly rod.
You can see the weather was perfect, a little wet, but very nice to be fishing in.  I love the colors of the rocks in this area.  Makes me feel a little home sick for my child hood home.

Thanks for sharing the your trip Guy.  It looks like you had a great time.  4 Days of fishing, and a lot of fish later.   I will be seeing you next year for this trip


Us Egberts said... how many times a day do you log on to your blog to look at these pics????? :) :) :)

Conner said...

Depends on the day. Last week it had been actually a little over a month since I looked at it. But this last week alone I think I had it open at least once a day.